Michael & Amy: Columbia, MO Engagement Photography

Amy is friends with a couple of my former brides, you may remember, Whitney & Ashley. Well Amy recently got a ring herself and literally the next week called me about taking her wedding pictures. I was so excited to meet with Amy, and during her wedding consultation we threw around lots of ideas for her and Michael’s engagement session.

I try to express to my couples to make their engagement pictures as unique to their personalities as possible. The pictures will mean so much more if they are taken in a place that means something to you, or doing an activity you often do together, or just showcasing a passion you both share. Amy took my little speech to heart and last week when we met up for her and Michael’s engagement shoot, we were far from short on ideas. Take a look . . .

Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyWe started by snapping a few shots of this soon-to-be family of three.

Columbia, MO Engagement Photography

Next we moved on to the Mexican restaurant , Agave, where Amy & Michael had their first date. We ordered a Marg for pictures sake and when Michael went up to pay they said it was on the house! How sweet is that?

Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement PhotographyNext we stopped downtown for a few shots. At this point I believe it started sprinkling but quickly dissipated. I was thankful and so was my camera. I find it very hard to shoot pictures and hold an umbrella at the same time! 🙂Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement Photography

Amy & Michael both love MU! They tailgate at a lot of the home football games, so a stop by the stadium sporting MU garb was a MUST!!!!
Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement Photography

I absolutely love seeing their playful side! And I also find it funny that Michael runs with his tongue sticking out! haha!!!!Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement Photography

Last stop of the night was Columbia’s Hollywood TheatersColumbia, MO Engagement Photography

Has anyone else noticed how many Wedding movies are coming out lately? I found it very fitting to have Amy & Michael stand by the Movie poster for JUMPING THE BROOM! But jumping the broom wasn’t the only wedding related movie, “Bridesmaids” is also playing as well as “Something Borrowed!” If that doesn’t signify the beginning of wedding season I don’t know what could!
Columbia, MO Engagement PhotographyColumbia, MO Engagement PhotographyPopcorn, Air Hockey, what a perfect way to end the night. In fact the popcorn smelt so good I decided that would be my dinner! HAHA

Well Amy & Michael I am so excited to shoot your wedding later this year, but I’m sad it won’t be for awhile . . . so till October!!!!!!



